How does Microsoft Teams bring Business VoIP Service to the SME Business where other VoIP platforms have failed?

First up: We need to understand what VoIP is.

VoIP, which stands for Voice over Internet Protocol, is a technology that allows you to make and receive calls using your internet connection instead of a traditional phone line. Imagine making calls through an app on your computer or smartphone instead of using a landline handset. That’s how a business VoIP service works.

Here’s a breakdown of how VoIP works:

  • Your Voice is Converted: When you speak into a VoIP phone or app, your voice is converted from analogue signals (sound waves) into digital data (packets of information).
  • Sent Over the Internet: These digital packets are transmitted over your internet connection, similar to sending emails or browsing websites.
  • Reconverted to Voice: When the data reaches the other end, it’s converted back into an analogue signal so the recipient can hear your voice.

VoIP offers several advantages over traditional phone lines, including:

  • Cost Savings: Business VoIP Service plans often come with bundled packages for unlimited calling, which can be significantly cheaper than per-minute landline charges.
  • Flexibility: You can make and receive calls from anywhere with a decent internet connection, promoting remote work and improved mobility.
  • Features: VoIP often includes features like voicemail transcription, call forwarding, video conferencing, and instant messaging, all in one package.
A Business phone for VoIP Service.

Brastel Design Team, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Calling All Businesses: Why VoIP is the Modern Answer to Your Phone Needs

In today’s fast-paced business world, communication is key. But are you stuck relying on outdated, expensive landlines? Consider the advantages of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) – a technology that transmits voice calls over the Internet, offering a robust and cost-effective alternative. Explore why VoIP, Microsoft Teams and Maidstone Technology can improve your business.

Cost Savings: A Clear Winner

One of VoIP’s most significant benefits is its affordability. VoIP often utilizes bundled packages with unlimited local and international calls rather than landlines with fixed monthly fees and per-minute charges. This can lead to substantial savings, especially for businesses that make frequent calls. VoIP also eliminates the need for separate phone lines and complex PBX systems, reducing hardware and maintenance costs.

Mobility Unleashed: Work from Anywhere

Gone are when you were chained to your desk to answer calls. VoIP grants incredible flexibility, allowing you to make and receive calls from any location with a decent internet connection. This empowers remote workforces, improves customer service by enabling calls to be forwarded to mobile devices, and fosters collaboration by facilitating calls on the go.

Feature-Rich Communication: Beyond Voice Calls

VoIP goes beyond basic voice calls, offering features that can significantly enhance communication capabilities. Features like voicemail-to-email transcription, call forwarding, auto attendants, video conferencing, and instant messaging are often included in VoIP packages. This unified communication approach allows for a seamless flow of information, improving team productivity and streamlining workflows.

Scalability Made Easy: Adapting to Your Needs

As your business grows, your communication needs evolve. Traditional phone lines can be cumbersome to scale, requiring additional lines and hardware. VoIP, on the other hand, is easily scalable. Adding new users or features is a breeze, often requiring only a few clicks in the online administration portal. This flexibility ensures your communication system can adapt to your changing requirements without breaking the bank.

Internet phone systems

Bungle, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Now, a little about Microsoft Teams.

Microsoft Teams has become a powerhouse for communication and collaboration in today’s workplace. It goes beyond simple chat, offering a central hub that integrates essential tools for seamless teamwork. With features like video conferencing, file sharing, and real-time co-authoring on documents, Teams eliminates the need to switch between multiple applications, boosting productivity and fostering a sense of togetherness.

The true power of Teams lies in its ability to break down communication silos. Team channels dedicated to specific projects or departments keep everyone on the same page, reducing email clutter and ensuring important information is readily accessible. Additionally, features like instant messaging and threaded conversations enable quick communication and information sharing, keeping teams agile and responsive.

How Teams opens up VoIP accessibility to the small business.

Where previously a small business wanted to move to a VoIP platform, it would require a new, often lengthy contact with a company that often specialised in VoIP offerings. Contracts not only for line provision but also for equipment like phones and headsets. Due to the system’s complexity, many such contracts make additional charges for support services that the customers feel they should take on. Leaving the customer reliant on ticketing systems to create a simple call divert.

Microsoft Teams puts the customer back in control (with a little help from Maidstone Technology business services support). Most small businesses already have Microsoft Office 365 and Exchange Online email service subscriptions, so this is just an add-on. Rather than lightly rental contracts, the equipment can be bought outright, likely saving considerable money over the long term. So, there are reduced costs, greater flexibility, no multi-year auto-renewing contracts, and the customer has full control.

Maidstone Technology

Provide support services to set up, configure and maintain a business VoIP system with Microsoft Teams. For more information, please visit our dedicated business services page.

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