Desktop Computer Upgrades.
Maidstone Technology provides a range of computer upgrade services as well as custom computer building.
You may already have a custom-built computer, and it is becoming a bit laggy, but you don’t want a full rebuild. Maidstone Technology can help target your budget at where the most impact can be. Even if your computer is an off-the-shelf computer that just needs speeding up a bit and you don’t really want to pay out for a new one, then some well targeted upgrades can really benefit and save money long term.
We call these in-between builds, and they address the way in which technology often overlaps from one generation of CPU or graphics card to another. Often, new CPUs are backward compatible with earlier generation motherboards, but that often requires some tweaking, like BIOS updating.

BIOS updating. Flashing the BIOS.
Motherboard BIOS is updating service to allow greater compatibility with newer CPUs.
- Updating the BIOS needs to be done correctly; otherwise, serious problems can occur.
- Updating the Motherboard BIOS allows for the use of newer CPUs.
- Keeping the existing motherboard keeps costs significantly lower.

DLKS, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
SSD upgrade.
SSD upgrades by Maidstone Technology provide:
- Quieter and cooler running
- Significantly improved speed
- Greater reliabilty

Bretwa, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Motherboard upgrade.
A more significant and, therefore, expensive upgrade would be the motherboard. As a rule, when the motherboard is changed the CPU and RAM are nearly always also upgraded. Although this upgrade has a greater cost and undertaking, it is still only an upgrade, as opposed to a newly built computer. Because of this case, the data storage drive (SSD) power supply, graphics card and other components are kept.
Graphics card upgrade.
Perhaps the easiest but also most expensive upgrade is the graphic card. Time-wise, it only takes about ten minutes. Sometimes, though, problems can be encountered. These problems are generally associated with power connection compatibility or driver issues. Although graphics cards range from £30 to around £2000, most will typically spend a few hundred pounds.

Desktop computer upgrades by Maidstone Technology.
Maidstone Technology has a fully equipped and stocked repair shop based just outside of Maidstone.
If you require any advice on desktop computer upgrades, please contact us.